If you’ve recently decided to try hearing aids and are finding that you don’t like using them, don’t fear. There are many common issues that first-time hearing aid users face that have simple solutions to help improve their listening experience.
Common Hearing Aid Complaints

Research has shown that discomfort is one of the more common reasons why people don’t wear their hearing aids. Often, it just takes a few weeks of consistent wearing to get used to the feeling of an object in your ear. However, if the discomfort remains or you experience any actual pain, give your audiologist a call. Your hearing aid’s fit may need to be adjusted, or it’s also possible that you may need to be shown how to insert your device again to make sure it’s sitting correctly in your ear.
Background Noise Is Too Loud
Because hearing loss is gradual and progressive, many people go for years before they notice they have a problem. When you first get hearing aids, your brain and ears are processing sounds in a different way and picking up on noises they likely haven’t heard in a while. This can feel overwhelming and can be especially difficult in louder environments, such as when having dinner on a busy night at Table 32.
Start slowly and wear your device consistently to get used to the way you hear sound. If, after several weeks, noises remain bothersome, talk to your audiologist about changing your hearing aid settings or adding a noise reduction program.
Your Device Is Whistling
A whistling noise in your hearing aids, known as feedback, can be an unpleasant experience. It occurs when sound amplified by your hearing aid is picked up by the microphone and re-amplified. This happens due to a poor fit, putting your hearing aids in incorrectly or wax buildup in your ear canal. Discovering the cause with the help of your audiologist should reduce the amount of feedback.
The Importance of Treating Hearing Loss With Hearing Aids
No matter the issue, it’s important that you and your hearing aid expert work to resolve it. If you decide not to wear your hearing aids and leave your hearing loss untreated, you are not only risking worsening hearing loss but other health consequences as well. These include an increased risk of:
- Depression and anxiety
- Balance issues
- Cognitive decline and dementia
If you would like more information or wish to schedule an appointment with one of our experts, call Ear, Nose & Throat Consultants today.